I leave you with an earworm from The Sound of Music as you
read this post

I leave my work and my colleague/boss/darling friend with all the
love in the world knowing we are both ready to part ways after building the
base of our business together. I say
‘our’ because I will always have a vested interest in Limina and in Isabel’s
I read an article recently written about the late Kobe Bryant. For those who do not know who he was, he was
a basketball player in the NBA playing for the LA Lakers and father to 4
daughters. He was also a man of
excellence who worked incredibly hard.
He speaks about his 4:00am. The
American public got to watch his games and his brilliance and talent. But every day they slept soundly while he was
up at 4:00am training hard and complimenting his talent with hard work and
dedication. His death was a big loss to so many.
Our courses are amazing.
Just next level excellence and super engaging and exciting. I cannot imagine a single teacher who would complete one of our edtech courses and not be crazy inspired which their pupils will
ultimately benefit from being crazy inspired too! And guess who
is up at 4:00am working insanely hard to make sure they are excellent and deadlines
are met? No, not me! Isabel, of course!
Limina is committed to being part of the change in education
in South Africa working closely with the Department of Education. Our courses are CAPS aligned and language
and literacy is woven into subject matter like hidden veggies in a kids’
pasta. They learn in all areas, the
content of the subject, in the utilization of the incredible free edtech tools
out there and they advance the crucial element of language and reading in every
single subject.
Limina courses are currently mostly in the Western Cape but
not for long. Isabel is off to Gauteng soon and the other departments around
South Africa are hearing rumblings of how great our courses are and we will
cover province by province transforming the way teachers teach and engage with
their pupils. In 2019 we had less than
half of the grade ones passing matric 12 years after they started school in 2008. This is going to change and it has been
amazing to be part of that change. Part of the solution.

So long, farewell, auf wiederseh’n, goodbye
Good luck and all the very best with your new 4am. I know that you do everything with 1000% of yourself so you are going to ace this, as you do everything! xxx